Tuesday 9 September 2008

Scholar finds 'Beethoven's last piano work' in library

An Australian musicologist has discovered what he believes to be the last pianoforte work written by Beethoven.

Peter McCallum, associate prof of musicology at the University of Sydney, base the 32 bars of handwritten music while looking at one of the composer's sketchbooks in Berlin's state library. Most of his books have been studied in detail merely the terminal one has attracted less attention.

McCallum aforesaid that he didn't know instantly that it was a pianissimo piece because Beethoven a great deal used a chaotic sort of shorthand. "The sketchbooks ... are very difficult to read and need a bit of deciphering, just you can work it out if you look at it for long enough," he said.

McCallum said he believed the piece was written in October 1826, five months before Beethoven died.

"It's got a few little unusual sympathetic features which we don't normally companion with Beethoven," he said.

McCallum's pianist wife Stephanie secondhand her husband's transcription to make the first recording of the piece - Bagatelle in F minor � which lasts simply 54 seconds. McCallum aforesaid he believed the patch, although brief, was complete.

"I suspect if Beethoven had come to it as he very often did with these things he would have added more than because it's not very long," he said. reuters

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Saturday 30 August 2008

How Will Christopher Nolan �Dark Knight��ify the Stupider Batman Villains?

Photo-illustration: Everett Bogue; photos: Getty

The almost-certainly-untrue rumor that Cher is Christopher Nolan's "first choice" to play Catwoman in the follow-up to The Dark Knight � and Vulture's convincing concept art � point to a real problem that's going to face Nolan as he continues the enormously successful new-and-improved Batman franchise: How to shoehorn the more cartoonish villains of the comics into Nolan's realistic, crime-thriller universe? The idea of Cher as an aging Catwoman has its appeal, but also edges into fanwankery � not unlike Australian artist Josh McMahon's unintentionally hilarious attempts to imagine Nolanized versions of Harley Quinn and the Riddler.

While the Tim Burton�Joel Schumacher series comfortably situated outlandish supervillains like the Penguin and Poison Ivy in a bizarre universe that was art-directed to within an inch of its life, in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Nolan has favored a more recognizable urban environment with actual, y�know, exteriors. He avoided flamboyant villains in Begins, and deliberately set up the Joker as an aberration in Knight � a psychopath whose face paint even freaked out his fellow criminals. But how many more times can comic-book grotesques be finessed in this way? Why would a woman dress up like a cat in the Gotham City of Dark Knight? Why would a guy wear a jacket covered in question marks? And could a short, chubby dork really take on Christian Bale�s high-tech Batman while wearing a monocle? How far can Nolan take his gritty conceit before, like poor Joel Schumacher before him, he edges the series into self-parody?

Latest Made-Up Rumors Suggest Cher Will Play Catwoman in Next Batman Movie

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Wednesday 20 August 2008

Janet Jackson Helps 'Wardrobe Malfunction' Into Dictionary

...more Janet Jackson �

The phrase �wardrobe malfunction�, inspired by Janet Jackson�s open nipple, has been added to the English dictionary.

Jackson, who was performing during the SuperBowl's half-time usher, was left red-faced after her stage partner Justin Timberlake ripped open her bodice, revealing a breast.

More than 90 million people saw the live beam - and the term 'wardrobe malfunction' was coined.

It has now been entered into the latest Chambers English Dictionary, and of course is a favorite with Entertainmentwise!

See some of the best wardrobe malfunctions in our gallery here.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Poor Overall Survival In Septa- And Octogenarian Patients After Radical Prostatectomy And Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer

�UroToday.com - In the online payoff of European Urology, Dr. Claudio Jeldres and a group of international investigators addressed the overall endurance of septa- and octogenarians who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) or radiotherapy (XRT) for prostate cancer (CaP). The Quebec Health Plan database was used to identify 6,183 workforce treated with RP or XRT for CaP between 1989 and 2000. The database contained no info on tumor stage or grade, PSA levels, or cause-specific mortality. The researchers controlled for the potential effect of CaP-specific fatality rate by playacting an analysis in a subset of individuals world Health Organization did non receive any secondary therapy.

Of the 6,138 patients long time 70 or older, 1,591 (25.7%) underwent RP and 4,592 (74.3%) were treated with XRT. The average actuarial survival for the entire grouping was 7.4 age. For the RP patients it was 12.1 years, compared to 5.7 eld after XRT. Analyses exploitation life tables identified 10-year survival probability at 38.5%. At 10 years after RP overall survival of the fittest was 59.3% compared to 30.3% afterwards XRT. The data suggested that 10 years after treatment, 83.6% of RP patients and 69.9% of XRT patients were absolve of secondary therapy. The risk of overall mortality was 2.1-fold higher in XRT treated patients. Androgen-deprivation therapy exerted a protective effect on endurance for XRT patients.

They reported that 62.5%, 44%, and 19.1% of RP patients ages 70-74, 75-79, and 80 or sr. survived beyond 10 eld. The percentages for XRT-treated men were 37.9%, 24.8%, and 9.4% severally.

The investigators concluded that in this study age group, 40% of patients wHO underwent RP and 70% of men who underwent XRT would not bear had equal life anticipation to make warranted attempted curative therapy.

Jeldres C, Suardi N, Walz J, Saad F, Hutterer GC, Bhojani N, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI

Eur Urol. 2008 Jul;54(1):107-17


Reported by UroToday.com Contributing Editor Christopher P. Evans, MD, FACS

UroToday - the only urology web site with original content written by world urology samara opinion leaders actively in use in clinical practice.

To access the a la mode urology news releases from UroToday, go to:

Copyright � 2008 - UroToday

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Tuesday 1 July 2008

Sean Combs - Combs Is Foxxs Favourite Party Animal

Rapper SEAN COMBS once saved actor JAMIE FOXX from embarrassment when he was almost turned away from an exclusive party.

Combs - famed for his lavish party lifestyle and annual boat parties at France's Cannes Film Festival - helped Foxx get into a bash when door staff failed to recognise him.

Foxx explains, "About 12, 14 years ago, I couldn't get into the party, and then Diddy swept past me like this Cristal-Bentley tsunami. He's a legend."

See Also

Thursday 19 June 2008

Strictly star blamed herself for affair

'Strictly Come Dancing' star Alesha Dixon has revealed that she blamed herself for her husband's affair.
The 29-year-old singer told Company magazine that she was devastated when she found out that her husband, rapper MC Harvey, was having an affair with singer Javine Hylton.
Dixon said: "It was like my whole world had just collapsed around me. I thought, 'what have I done to deserve this?'"
"I'm a big believer in karma, and I felt I must have done something to invite it into my life. I tried to take the blame."
The former Misteeq singer said she was also angry after recently discovering that former bosses had wanted her to shed some weight.
"I found out the other day that, a while ago, some old bosses asked someone to have a word with me about losing weight. It's disgusting."
She said: "I'm not overweight and I'm not skinny, so to tell me to lose weight - what kind of message is that to girls?"
Dixon also revealed that she put her wedding dress on eBay after her marriage fell apart.
"It turned out the person who bid for it was a hoaxer, so I took it off eBay and never put it back up," she said.

Friday 13 June 2008

Neil Young has spider named in his honour

A species of spider has been named after Neil Young, after a university biologist discovered the insect in Jefferson County, AL.

Jason Bond of East Carolina University made the discovery in Alabama last year and established through DNA tests that the bug is a newly-discovered species. The spider is distinguishable from others in its genus through its genitalia.

This particular group of spiders is called 'trapdoor' as they live in burrows and build trapdoors at the burrow�??s entrance.

Bond named the bug Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, after his favourite musician, and says naming a new species has strict rules that must be adhered to.

"As long as these rules are followed you can give a new species just about any name you please. With regards to Neil Young, I really enjoy his music and have had a great appreciation of him as an activist for peace and justice," reports the Associated Press.

Meanwhile, Young has been confirmed to play the Roskilde festival this July in Denmark.

--By our New York staff.
Find out more about NME.

Sunday 8 June 2008

The Nick and Mariah PDA Tour Heads to Asia

Nick Cannon, Mariah CareyGet ready, Japan!

Mariah Carey and�her lovey-dovey hubby, Nick Cannon, have just arrived in the Land of the Rising Sun, where the "Touch My Body" singer is scheduled to...

Sunday 25 May 2008

Victoria Beckham: Not Pregnant, No Tom Cruise Movie

Victoria Beckham has silenced the gossip columns and tabloids after she denied a host of rumors, which suggested that she pregnant, joining a new band and  starring in a new film with pal Katie Holmes' husband, Tom Cruise. A regular in the tabloids, Beckahm has recently made headlines that she's pregnant, filming a movie with Tom Cruise and is set to join the Pussycat Dolls. "No. No," Beckham explained to GMTV on Wednesday when asked about starring in a new film with Cruise.  "I'm not joing the Pussycat Dolls either. I heard about that. The thought of leaping around on stage in a bra top and knickers! No - and I'm not pregnant."The wife of soccer star David Beckham also reveals that she won't be pursuing a solo singing career, saying, "I'm not going to sing anymore - I've hung my microphone up." Photo courtesy of ABC. 

Thursday 22 May 2008


Artist: Divaria

New Age


Daz Nuance   
 Daz Nuance

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 13


Wednesday 21 May 2008

MTV Movie Award Nominations Show Some McLovin To 'Superbad,' 'Juno,' 'Transformers' And More

MTV Movie Award Nominations Show Some McLovin To 'Superbad,' 'Juno,' 'Transformers' And More

From affectionate spoofs to gushing tributes, for 16 old age the MTV Movie Awards get been around celebrating the best in motion picture and recognizing Hollywood's biggest stars. This year, finally, the usher is acquiring a little McLovin back.
"Superbad" lED totally flicks as nominations were announced Tuesday good morning (May 6) for the 17th Annual MTV Moving-picture show Awards, which will be broadcast know Billy Sunday, June 1, from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Linguistic universal City, California. The raunchy adolescent clowning scored noms for Best Picture; Topper Comedic Performance (Jonah Hill); and deuce-ace bids in the Charles Herbert Best Newcomer category, for Mound, Christopher-Mintz Plasse and Michael Cera.
You're non sightedness double: The "Arrested Maturation" doer as well picked up a Topper Male Performance nomination for "Juno." The critical fave about a pregnant teenager is besides up for Best Picture, Best Female person Performance for star Ellen Page, and Best Candy kiss (the pair's smack at the end). And that's the truth, honest to blog.
Rounding come out the nominees for Best Picture show ar "Subject Treasure: Rule book of Secrets," "I Am Legend," "Transformers" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." At death year's ceremony "Transformers" north Korean won the award for Topper Summer Motion-picture show You Haven't Seen Until now, spell "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" walked away with the Golden Popcorn for Best Moving-picture show.
Will Captain Jack make to withdraw menage another prize on Film Awards night? Johnny Reb Depp's take on the seafaring scallywag is erstwhile again nominated for Best Comedic Performance. He took down Sir Humphrey Davy John Luther Jones no trouble, but he'll suffer to prove the Skull and Crossbones to take down his contender in this class, including Hill, Ecstasy Sandler ("I Now Label You Ditch & Larry"), Seth Rogen ("Knocked Up") and Amy Adams ("Enchanted").
The enchanting Samuel Adams, meantime, proves that sprite tales in truth do come true, with a record-tying trey individual nominations. Aside from her nod for Topper Comedic Performance, the newest Walt Disney princess boasts nominations for Charles Herbert Best Female person Performance and Charles Herbert Best Kiss (with Patrick Manassa Mauler). To be crowned Queen of the Ball for the former, however, she'll have to beat come out of the closet Keira Knightley ("Pirates of the Caribbean"), Katherine Heigl ("Knocked Up"), Varlet and Jessica Biel ("I Now Sound out You Chuck & Larry"). Hey, if the glass slipper fits.
The wicked stepmother isn't about this year to position a damper on the fun, merely thither will be mess of meanies in any event, as five of the biz's baddest depict up to fight for Charles Herbert Best Scoundrel. The frightful basketball team are Depp, for his role as the bereaved person barber in "Sweeney Todd: The Devil Barber of Fleet Street"; Angelina Jolie, for her, um, "computer graphic" withdraw on Grendel's mother in "Beowulf"; Topher Thanksgiving, for his theatrical role as Maliciousness in "Spider-Man 3"; Academy Award succeeder Javier Bardem for the coin-flipping bravo with the silly haircut in "No Nation for Old Hands"; and Denzel Booker T. Washington for his carry on dose jehovah Wiener George Lucas in "American English Gangster."
Booker Taliaferro Washington is besides nominated for the same use in the category of C. H. Best Male Performance. Aside from Cera, other nominees in the category include Will Smith ("I Am Fable"), Flatness Damon ("The Bourn Ultimatum") and Shiah LaBeouf ("Transformers").
Between "Transformers," Surf's Up" and "Disturbia," it was a big yr for LaBeouf, merely non as big, perchance, as the nominees in the category of Breakthrough Performance, completely of whom catapulted into the mainstream. Zac Efron and Nikki Blonsky ("Hairspray"), Megan Fox ("Transformers"), Chris Brown University ("This Dec 25") and Seth Rogen ("Knocked Up") join the "Superbad" three.
It'll be a fight to the finish, but nix like the form of brawls that are nominated this year in the category of C. H. Best Fight, which include Damon vs. Joey Asah, for their rooftop rumble in "The Bourne Ultimatum"; Tobey Maguire vs. James River El Caudillo, for their superhero smackdown in "Spider-Man 3"; Hayden Christensen vs. Jamie Chime for the global stew match in "Jumper"; Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan vs. Sun Ming Ming dynasty for their heavyweight whipping in "Rush Hour 3"; and Noncitizen vs. Piranha for their whoever-wins-we-lose clamshell in "AvP: Threnody."
If only they could kiss and create up like the nominees for Charles Herbert Best Kiss, including LaBeouf and Sarah Roemer ("Disturbia"), Briana Evigan and Henry Martyn Robert Hoffman ("Footfall Up 2: The Streets"), Mount Adams and Dempsey, Page and Cera, and Daniel Radcliffe and Katie Leung ("Harry Putter around and the Order of the Phoenix").
In a newly category this year, fivesome films are nominated as the Best Summer Moving picture So Far. They are "IN Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," "Sexual urge and the City: The Film," "Speed Racer," "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" and "Iron Man."
The fate of the awards lies in the custody of the viewing audience: Fans seat ballot by visiting MovieAwards.MTV.com in front May 23 to support their favourite nominees in from each one category. Fans tin can also go online to vote for the user-generated category, Best Flick Lampoon, where viewers stimulate the chance to submit their have original picture trunks parodying films from the past class. MTV has partnered with UGC tV sites, including Photobucket, MySpace, Daily Apparent motion, Break, Buzznet, Heavy and FunnyorDie to generate anyone and everyone with a creative visual sense their chance to shine in a celeb-filled sphere. Finalists for the C. H. Best Moving picture Charade testament be flown to Los Angeles to attend the awards, where one will be crowned the winner.
The always-irreverent awards show up will be hosted by comedian Microphone Myers for a second year, later his 1997 stint as Moving-picture show Awards MC. The designate volition be executive-produced by Emmy-winning manufacturer Mark Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Performers and presenters will be announced before long!
The MTV Flick Awards will air live on MTV on Sun, June 1. Totally the latest updates on nominees, presenters, performers, vote, contests and a lot more crapper be plant on MovieAwards.MTV.com. And hold back out Movies.MTV.com for the latest flick news, trailers, photos and more!
For breaking news program, renown columns, humour and more -- updated around the clock -- travel to MTVMoviesBlog.com.

Charlie Brown Jr

Charlie Brown Jr   
Artist: Charlie Brown Jr



Tamo Ai Na Atividade   
 Tamo Ai Na Atividade

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 15

Imunidade Musical   
 Imunidade Musical

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 23

Acustico MTV   
 Acustico MTV

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Nadando Com Os Tubaroes   
 Nadando Com Os Tubaroes

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 17

Preco Curto... Prazo Longo   
 Preco Curto... Prazo Longo

Tracks: 25

Bocas Ordinarias   
 Bocas Ordinarias

Tracks: 12

Ao Vivo Planeta Atlantida   
 Ao Vivo Planeta Atlantida

Tracks: 24

100% Charlie Brown Jr   
 100% Charlie Brown Jr

Tracks: 12

Formed in 1995 in Santos (São Paulo), the eclectic vocal/instrumental whoremonger Sway mathematical group Charlie Brown Jr. appeared in 1997 with the CD Transpiração Contínua e Prolongada. The record record album sold 530,000 copies and had the hits "Proibida pra Mim" and "Arab tribal chief." 2 long time later, the mathematical group released Preço Curto...Prazo Longo, which had the hits "Te levar" and "Confisco." In 2000, the radical had a successful season at the ATL Hall/Metropolitan (Rio de Janeiro de Janeiro).

Anna Friel joins cast of Ferrell movie

Anna Friel joins cast of Ferrell movie

Former 'Brookside' mavin Anna Friel will reportedly star opponent Will Ferrell in Brad Silberling's adventure fantasy 'Land of the Lost'.
In this feature article adaptation of Sid and Marty Krofft's 1970s live-action kids depict, Friel will play the love interestingness of Ferrell, a disgraced fossilist wHO finds himself in a strange prehistoric world.
Friel, world Health Organization was nominated for a Golden Earth for 'Pushing Daisies', testament next appear in the association football feature film 'Goal! III'.