Sunday 10 August 2008

Poor Overall Survival In Septa- And Octogenarian Patients After Radical Prostatectomy And Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer

� - In the online payoff of European Urology, Dr. Claudio Jeldres and a group of international investigators addressed the overall endurance of septa- and octogenarians who underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) or radiotherapy (XRT) for prostate cancer (CaP). The Quebec Health Plan database was used to identify 6,183 workforce treated with RP or XRT for CaP between 1989 and 2000. The database contained no info on tumor stage or grade, PSA levels, or cause-specific mortality. The researchers controlled for the potential effect of CaP-specific fatality rate by playacting an analysis in a subset of individuals world Health Organization did non receive any secondary therapy.

Of the 6,138 patients long time 70 or older, 1,591 (25.7%) underwent RP and 4,592 (74.3%) were treated with XRT. The average actuarial survival for the entire grouping was 7.4 age. For the RP patients it was 12.1 years, compared to 5.7 eld after XRT. Analyses exploitation life tables identified 10-year survival probability at 38.5%. At 10 years after RP overall survival of the fittest was 59.3% compared to 30.3% afterwards XRT. The data suggested that 10 years after treatment, 83.6% of RP patients and 69.9% of XRT patients were absolve of secondary therapy. The risk of overall mortality was 2.1-fold higher in XRT treated patients. Androgen-deprivation therapy exerted a protective effect on endurance for XRT patients.

They reported that 62.5%, 44%, and 19.1% of RP patients ages 70-74, 75-79, and 80 or sr. survived beyond 10 eld. The percentages for XRT-treated men were 37.9%, 24.8%, and 9.4% severally.

The investigators concluded that in this study age group, 40% of patients wHO underwent RP and 70% of men who underwent XRT would not bear had equal life anticipation to make warranted attempted curative therapy.

Jeldres C, Suardi N, Walz J, Saad F, Hutterer GC, Bhojani N, Shariat SF, Perrotte P, Graefen M, Montorsi F, Karakiewicz PI

Eur Urol. 2008 Jul;54(1):107-17


Reported by Contributing Editor Christopher P. Evans, MD, FACS

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